My Zero Waste Hair Care Routine 6 months in

I've been trying my hand at plastic-free, zero waste lifestyle for the last six months now. My aims are to use no plastic, reduce waste, be minimal, save money but keep the high quality care!

I bought Beauty Kubes from a soap company at a fair I was at in the UK during the summer, stocking up with two boxes and they're still going strong. They double as body wash so that can save money and they are small enough if you go travelling a lot, and also, they are not a liquid so you can take them on a plane. I have reduced to only washing my hair every 3-4 days to save water and energy. There is the option to not wash at all but I can't live through that transition phase. 

When I was first using the cubes, I found that it didn't foam up very well and my hair still felt greasy so I vowed to try something else once they ran out. Until one day, I decided to wash my hair twice and realised that they foamed up great on the second wash so now I always wash my hair twice and they work great. I do not use conditioner (but you can buy conditioner cubes). I've found my hair is fine just putting on some argan oil on afterwards. Bear in mind, I live in a warm country and I have thick, dry hair... so these work great without conditioner and another money saving, less thing to buy....thing. (I use this as I'm still using up an old one I had but I will switch to using coconut oil I already buy once I've finished it) Another tip is using some bicarbonate of soda and some warm water and clean the roots once a month. I have only tried it once but my hair felt as clean as it does after a hair dressers trip. You can then use some apple cider vinegar spray into the roots after to make it shiny. Corn starch has replaced my dry shampoo and it's better than Batiste! As a summary, this is my current zero waste hair-care routine all the products can easily be bought without plastic packaging:

Wash every 3-4 days with Beauty Kubes, twice. (because the cubes don't foam up and distribute around the hair with one wash).
    These are the ones I use as I have normal hair and I can save money and packaging on body wash
After washing add some rose water (I use an old spray bottle) and a little coconut oil (extra virgin) to condition and tone into wet hair (this also protects the hair from heat appliances)

    Glass jars only

Keep hair drying/straightening/curling to a minimum but if used on dry hair add a little oil beforehand.

Use cornstarch on the roots between washes (if your hair is brown you can add some cocoa powder) this freshens up with hair and dries up any grease. (I use an old glass bottle to keep it in. When I get an empty spice jar I will use this for ease)

Once a week deep condition hair with coconut oil on roots and ends overnight. Wash the next day. (coconut oil encourages growth - I also use the oil on my eyelashes and eyebrows).

Once a month use a mix of water and bicarbonate of soda on the roots - massage in. (this cleans the hair of product built up) and wash out. Spray some apple cider vinegar on the roots and then wash out. I use an old spray bottle and dispenser for ease.

Hair cuts are also essential every 8 weeks.

Use an anti-tangle brush (wood) and be gentle on your hair when tying up! (using ecological hair ties)

This has helped me cut down on:
  • Plastic shampoo bottles
  • Plastic conditioner bottles
  • Plastic intense conditioner tubs
  • Plastic heat protection spray bottles
  • Dry shampoo cans
  • Eyelash serum containers

Reuse of:
  • Old plastic spray bottle
  • Glass bottle
  • Spice jar

Saved money buying:
  • Conditioner
  • Intense conditioner (I bought coconut oil anyway)
  • Heat protections spray
  • Dry shampoo (cornstarch is a normal household item)
  • Expensive eyelash/eyebrow serums

Saving the planet by:
  • Buying from local companies
  • buying products that don't cause greenhouse gases when being made
  • Less products to recycle meaning less gases in the recycling process
  • Less waste in landfill which can happen if shampoo bottles etc can not be recycled
  • Using less water in the shower
  • Using less electricity to heat water for the shower

  • Using less electricity not using hairdryers and straighteners often
  • No animal products

Improved my health by:
  • Hair feels a lot cleaner with the bicarbonate of soda cleaner
  • Hair is better conditioned with rose water and coconut oil
  • Hair is growing thicker and healthier at the ends
  • No heat damage

