Low Waste Beauty

When it comes to beauty products, everyone is different due to skin types, allergies and also choices! I am lucky that I don't suffer with any skin conditions or allergies therefore the following list are basic beauty guides and also my choices when it comes to beauty. Again, this all comes from my research and trying to use the least amount of "stuff" possible that is also sustainable. The zero waste options are to make your own but if you can't be bothered I've added the best alternatives. I will be doing a separate health and makeup blog.
    All you need for all basic DIY products:

    • Soap nuts/berries
    • Olive oil
    • Rosehip oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Rose water
    • Brown Sugar
    • Peppermint essential oil
    • An antibacterial essential oil (lemon or tea tree)
    • Apple cider vinegar
    • Honey
    • Baking soda
    • Cornstarch


    Shampoo/conditioner bars are an alternative to shampoo in plastic bottles. You can buy shampoo bars from lots of places including Lush. Keep the bars in a tin/soap bag/soap dish. Soap bags will help make sure you can use every last bit.
    This is not viable for everyone so I have also found an alternative to this - shampoo/shower gel which are in small cubes so you use one every time or great for travelling. They also will not count towards your liquids when flying.

    If you prefer to use a salon brand, try asking the salon if they are willing to fill up your old bottle.

    An even more sustainable shampoo is soap nuts. Make soap nut concentrate and whip it up to a foam. (you will need to make the mixture once a week otherwise it will go "off" but you can keep it in the fridge if you want it to last longer). Soap nuts are used in India, still to this day, for washing hair but always put coconut oil in your hair prior to stop it drying out.

    You also do not need to shampoo your hair. A zero waste alternative is to eliminate shampoo altogether...I have added some links below of people's experience with this. Once a month clean your roots with some baking soda/water and an apple cider vinegar rinse once a week if you suffer from dandruff.

    Coconut oil or rose water as a conditioner. As above, use coconut oil before washing (if using soap nuts) and use rose water after a shower as normal. Rose water usually comes in glass bottles and can be bought at health shops.


    Soap nut concentrate, whipped. Shaver: safety razor. Buy new blades and recycle, will last all your life. Exfoliate after shaving to avoid shaving rash!

    Another option is an old fashioned shaving brush and soap. Make sure you're moisturising after using soap nuts - coconut oil on the body and rosehip oil on the face.

    Of course the final option is to not shave!


    Olive oil, brown sugar and essential oil (optional)

    Shower/bath materials

    Natural sponge, glass jar for apple cider vinegar rinse. Contain DIY materials in glass jars or reuse old plastic ones. Links below for sustainable shower/bath materials.

    Foot bath

    Apple cider vinegar in warm water - soak for 10 minutes, dry and file (optional). Olive oil and brown sugar exfoliator, sandstone foot file, coconut oil moisturiser.

    Tampon/sanitary towel alternatives

    Menstrual Cup

    or reusable sanitary towels which you can find online. I personally do not have a need for these as my contraceptive stops my periods so this is also an alternative if you choose this option.

    Cleanse, tone, moisturise

    Facial cleanser: Coconut oil (half fill a container and melt slightly before to help you mix the other ingredients), one tsp honey, 1 tsp baking soda and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Rub and leave on face for a minute and wash with warm water and pat dry with a towel. If you can't be bothered to make your own then you can buy some sustainable already made ones from websites in the links at the bottom of the page.

    Facial Toner: Rose water (mainly available in glass). Use with reusable makeup remover pads. (link below)

    Facial moisturiser: Rosehip oil (mainly available in glass). Coconut oil can bring you out in spots so this is recommended as a better option for the face.

    Body moisturiser: Coconut oil. If you prefer a less oily mixture you can add shear butter or buy one already made from the links below.


    You can buy bar deodorants on the market but you can also make your own: coconut oil, baking soda (or arrowroot powder if baking soda irritates your skin) and tea tree oil. 

    You may also choose not to use deodorant if you don't need it!

    Dry Shampoo

    Cornstarch - keep in an old salt/pepper shaker! If you have darker hair add some cocoa powder to the mixture.

    Eyelashes/eyebrow conditioner

    Coconut oil. Put on before you go to bed.

    Nail Varnish/Nail varnish remover

    I have struggled to find alternatives. I use OPI nail varnish as it's long lasting, good quality and comes mainly in glass/porcelain bottles. For a remover, use reusable pads. I have read that lemon juice and white vinegar will remove nail varnish but it did not work for me. There are some alternatives to nail varnish remover without acetone in health food shops and pharmacies often provide nail varnish remover in glass bottles. (links below for other alternatives)

    Of course an alternative is to not use nail varnish.

    Nail file/Foot file

    Sandstone - find some on the beach or an alternative is to buy it (link below)


    • DIY Toothpaste: coconut oil, baking soda and peppermint essential oil (make sure the essential oil is for ingestion) do not spit out in the sink or it will clog your drains.
    • If you don't feel comfortable with DIY toothpaste, there is a toothpaste brand that comes in a metal tube and highly recommended called David's (link below) or a brand called Truthpaste which comes in a glass jar.
    • Bamboo dental floss or interdental sticks (links below) or water powered floss machine
    • Bamboo toothbrush - once finished with reuse as a cleaner or compost.
    • Tongue scraper (see links below)
    • For teeth whitening use a technique called "oil-pulling" which is melted coconut oil in the mouth and swill for 10-15 minutes, spit in the bin not down the sink or it will clog your drains. If you don't like the taste you can add peppermint oil (ingestible). Another option can be rubbing apple cider vinegar on the teeth (rinse afterwards) and of course always cleaning your teeth properly and avoiding tea/coffee/red wine. If you like to drink coffee, like me, you can try drinking water after the coffee which helps remove the coffee therefore stops it staining. You can also try using a reusable straw when drinking.
    • There are a lot of charcoal toothpastes/powders on the market but for everything I have read, this is very abrasive on your teeth and should be avoided
    • Mouthwash: Filtered water, baking soda, peppermint essential oil. An alternative to DIY is mouthwash tablets. (link below)

    Contact lenses/Glasses

    I have been wearing glasses and contact lenses pretty much all my life. This is one area where I can not find non plastic alternatives. The cases, packaging and fluid all come in plastic. I am currently saving up for lazer eye treatment. This treatment costs around £4000, is painless, easy and lasts for at least 10 years. 

    For glasses and sunglasses, opt for ones that are made from metal frames and not plastic. Or recycled glasses (see links)

    Hand wash

    Soap, or soap nut concentrate. (use with a moisturiser)

    In the bath

    Add some lavender essential oil and olive oil/Rosehip oil to your bath or use bath bombs. Do not use coconut oil for the bath as when the water drains it will clog your drains.


    A lot of perfume does come in glass jars. Lush also offers perfume in a balm in glass which I like the idea of.

    Toilet Roll/Tissues

    Who Gives A Crap makes toilet roll and tissues made from bamboo meaning less trees are used. These are only available to order online and I've personally not tried it yet but there are good reviews. At the moment it looks like they only do tissues in boxes and I know I would prefer pocket tissues for when I have a cold! The website requires you to buy the rolls in bulk but The Plastic Free Shop gives you the option to order in smaller quantities.

    An alternative to not using toilet roll is to use a bidet (if you have one) and towel or you can install a bidet rinse in your toilet. (links below). You can also use a good old fashioned handkerchief as a general tissue but I personally wouldn't recommend this when you are any infections diseases so I would also use disposable tissues for this but using bamboo material seems like the most sustainable option.

    Is there anything I've forgotten? Let me know!

