

I love beauty, fashion, cooking, nature, minimalism, and want everyone to live a sustainable lifestyle to save our planet for our future and our children's future. I have spent the last three months researching and researching to find the most low waste things to buy for house and home. I hope that reading this blog will help you. 

Here are some reasons you should live a sustainable lifestyle:

I have tried to find products that are multipurpose, that means you will use the least amount of products as possible which also contributes so lowering your carbon footprint. 

The first few things you can do to start sustainable living:

1. Buy clothes, shoes, furniture and other household furnishing from charity/second hand shops

2. Buy from local people from local shops or online shops like Etsy, rather than big companies like Amazon. 

3. For any non DIY beauty products, check that they are not tested on animals and use non-toxic chemicals. 

4. For food and drink, consider a vegan lifestyle which not only is cruelty free and healthier, but saves water, trees and animals in many other ways. 

5. Finally, USE UP EVERYTHING YOU ALREADY HAVE. Do not throw things away because they are in plastic or not sustainable, use it all up. Do not buy products for the sake of it - sustainable living is about buying the least amount possible.

A list of must-have ingredients/products which are pretty much used in everything here (and you probably already have):

  • Soap nuts (widely available in health food shops or buy online and comes in natural packaging)
  • Extra Virgin, unrefined, Coconut Oil glass jar
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil in glass bottle 
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Lemons
  • Bicarbonate of Soda
  • Distilled Vinegar  - buy in glass bottle if possible 
  • Essential oils: peppermint (must be ok for ingestion), lemon, tea tree, lavender (available from health food shops, pharmacies or refill shops) 
  • Cornstarch


  • z = zero waste
  • l = low waste
  • np = no plastic option
  • o = optional ingredient
  • p = contains plastic/plastic packaging


  1. Hi Beth, I loved this! I found it really interesting and it certainly give you food for thought. I am going to try some of your tips and use everything, buy less. Keep up the blog xx

  2. Wonderful! Thanks so much for your comment xx


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