Buy a jar of coconut oil and use it for everything!

Benefits of coconut oil: (make sure it is organic, unrefined and extra virgin otherwise the benefits don't count and production is not good for the environment and ethics in general)

  • Increases levels of HDL Cholesterol

  • Promotes Weight Loss by Burning Fat
  • Improves Heart Health
  • Promotes Healthy Hair 
  • All-Purpose Skin Care Aid 
  • Improves Eczema & psoriasis
  • Protects against UV radiation
  • Helps Dermatitis
  • Helps Skin wound
  • Has Antimicrobial activity
  • Helps Burns
  • Relieves Symptoms of Dementia
  • Prevents Yeast Infection – Candida
  • Promotes Dental Care
  • Treats Epilepsy
  • Improves Kidney & Liver Health
  • Improves Digestive & Immune System
  • Stress relief
  • Helps Diabetes
  • Strengthens Bones
  • Boosts Energy

OK but how can I use it?

  • Use in your cooking. I recommend using coconut oil for shallow cooking. It is not suitable for drizzling over your food before cooking in the oven as most of the time it is in a solid state.
  • Whitening teeth - the technique of "oil pulling" helps to whiten your teeth by cleaning them. Coconut oil cleans all the bacteria from your mouth. Melt and swill inside your mouth for 20 minutes, if you can, once a month. Important: spit the large amount of oil into the bin and not the sink.
  • DIY Toothpaste - you can make your own toothpaste by using coconut oil with some bicarbonate of soda and some peppermint essential oil (optional for taste and make sure the peppermint oil is ingestible! It is more expensive but worth it)
  • DIY Deodorant - must like the toothpaste but instead of adding peppermint oil, add your own essential oils for a nice smell. I use tea tree oil for added antibacterial action. If your skin does not react well to bicarbonate of soda then you can use arrowroot powder instead. Once is solidifies, take a small amount and rub under your arms. Mine has lasted a long time and works great!
  • Face cleanser - Almost the same recipe. Coconut oil with bicarbonate of soda and a little honey and few drops of tea tree oil. Rub over your face, leave for a few minutes and wash off.
  • Moisturiser - great as a simple moisturiser. I use it over my body after the shower and also on my hands after cleaning. Not recommended as a facial moisturiser as it can cause spots.
  • Hair oil - use overnight as a mask and wash out in the morning or use a little after the shower to moisturise hair
  • Eyelashes and eyebrows - put a little on your eyebrows and eyelashes each night which conditions them and promotes growth. No need to buy expensive eyelash and eyebrow serums!
  • Yeast infections - it happens, use coconut oil on the area, leave on for 20 minutes and clean off with warm water and tea tree oil for extra help.
  • Eat it - you can choose to take spoonfuls if you can stomach it for the above health benefits
  • Dusting - you can use some coconut oil on a cloth and use it to dust table tops. It is also antibacterial so all around good.
  • Stain remover - add a little on your stained clothes before putting them in the wash
